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Don’t forget to e-nun-ci-ate!

It was a case of sopranos-a-go-go this week with a whole gaggle of beauties filling up the left hand side of the hall. What a lovely sight to see. This included two new faces, June and Beverley (although the latter, strictly speaking, a returning face). However, not to be outdone, the altos also produced two new members, Mandy and Kay ( again, strictly speaking, a returning face). How exciting!

After a few arpeggio warm ups, which ended up somewhere in the stratosphere ( the basses drop

ping out about half way through), our venerable MD had us chewing imaginary toffee. Delicious and sticky it was too. The reason? Don’t forget to e-nun-ci-ate. Got it?

Anyway, on with the show and in the theme of returning favourites, we began with FOG which was asked for by Susie who put her request in the back of the Events Book. Don’t forget that you can do it too.

Our early attempts elicited an ‘ever so nearly there’, followed rather rapidly by ‘you sound like a proper choir’. Pretty impressive improvement, even with a rather in untuneful telephone accompaniment! It did indeed sound impressive for a first attempt and I am sure we are all looking forward to completing it next week.

AC was next on the agenda and contained lots of ‘ahs’ with the odd ‘ooh’ thrown in for good measure. This really is a tricky little number. However the tenors and basses were rewarded with ‘an amazing sound’ and the sopranos and altos with a ‘not bad’. I think that was a pretty accurate summation of the proceedings (the victor writes the history….). Overall, it was greeted with a ‘not perfect, but some good bits’. Still work to do, but coming on.

TBRO contained the same confusion as last week with a clash between words only and music, but for once, not instigated by the rogue bass. But our mighty leader soon put her foot down with a firm hand and sorted us all out. We ran through it pretty quickly, but for some reason, when we did finally make it to the end, there appeared to be a pack of howling wolves outside the door. Surely not a reflection on our sweet, harmonious warblings……….

Time seemed to run away with us a little this week, so it was a case of a quick blast through SSS, which possibly confused the hell out of the newbies, but, as ever, was sung with joy and smiling faces.

Plenty of people stayed behind for a drink and a chinwag, which was great to see, and the appearance of the ‘First 10 Years’ photo album was a real hit. Some lovely memories and now on to the next 10 years to create even more.

Before I finally go, a very special mention must be made to Susie our Events Co-Ordinator who has produced some beautiful hand made badges for us to wear to help with getting to know each other (more to come next week). We shall wear them with pride, although it must be noted that our MD appeared not to have one. Know something we don’t Susie???

In harmony


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