Christmas is definitely coming as witnessed by our furious practising of carols for our last performance of the year. As reported last month, we have already completed two major public performances - at Foreman’s Garage and on the village green. Apparently, I am reliably informed, the latter was made all the more successful because, due to our position under the gazebo, nobody could hear us. Win, win all round, I say. Unfortunately, the good burghers of Leconfield may not be so lucky when we perform at what may be regarded as our spiritual home, St Catherine’s church, as it was here that we unleashed ourselves upon a poor, unsuspecting public some 11 years ago. I guess they could turn off the hearing aids? That might help. Nevertheless, we intend to give it our all and blast it out before winding down with a 3 week festive break.
We are already anticipating the arrival of at least 6 newbies / returnees in the New Year, so if you really enjoy having a good sing, why not come and join us? No auditions or ability to read music necessary, just a sense of humour and a wish to raise money for local good causes. We meet at the SRA on Rotsea Lane, Hutton from 7.30-9.00 pm on a Monday evening and like to stay behind afterwards for a little snifter to refresh our overworked vocal chords.
When we return from our break on Monday, January……. We shall be murdering the likes of ‘Beyond The Sea’, ‘Hallelujah, Come on Get Happy’, ‘Cantique de Jean Racine’ and many more favourites, old and new.
So all that remains for us to do, is for each and every member of the choir to wish you and your loved ones a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (hmmmmm, that sounds like a good line for a song….)
In harmony