I’m not quite sure what our 3 newbies made of the beginning of this week’s rehearsal ( a big welcome to Tim, Sue and Gwen) Our resident Crafter-in-Chief, Susie, presented our hitherto unbadged leader with a pair of stunning creations, complete with tassels. Apparently, Mike thought it caused a big titter amongst the group (at least, I think that’s what he said?). Mind you, despite her best efforts, the tassels did not revolve in opposite directions, unlike Luscious Lou from the Dog and Duck on a Saturday lunch time, so somebody told me, apparently…..
Anyway, down to action and following our routine gym session, we attempted a 9 note scale minus notes 3 and 6, which proved well beyond the ability of most of the choir. I’m not sure if it was the singing or the counting that seemed to flummox us. Probably a bit of both. However, not to be defeated, we did manage a passable effort at the gradually shrinking B-I-N-G-O, although the odd little murmur could be heard here and there.
This was, allegedly, all designed to prepare us for the bits of Sing,Sing,Sing, where we don’t sing. Rather a contradiction don’t you think? As ever, though, it did provide a rollicking start to the proceedings. Always brings a smile to the face.
This was closely followed by FOG, strangely one of my favourites as I don’t particularly like the Sting version. At one point the Tenors and Basses together elicited an “it was right!”. Not something we tend to hear too often. Our reminder that it is “aaaaarnswer” drew a witty riposte from the sopranos of “has she got posh since she moved to Cranny???” Nevertheless, it did sound good and the harmonies are really coming on.
Next came our ‘bete noir’, AC which at least we can say we have managed to reach the end of. Unfortunately, that’s about all we can say Perhaps that’s a tad unfair as it does sound ok in places, but the ‘Glorias’ are something of a challenge and I almost needed a new pair of glasses after the final crescendo. Well done to all of the Sops who hit the heights of the final line. We did almost have Ruth volunteering to sing solo as she claimed she could do it ok on her own, but not with everyone else putting her off. Know how you feel, except I also struggle on my own….
But wait, having struggled manfully, womanfully and non-gender specifically through AC, we then polished off two more carols in quick succession. How good are we? A proper choir. And, as if to prove the point, we finished off with yet another rousing rendition of Anthem to put the final gloss on an excellent evening, which only got better with the opening of the bar.
Thanks to everyone for turning out. All in all, considering the number of new members and ups and downs we have had to negotiate, it’s all starting to come together nicely.
In harmony