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Post Music@MayLodge!


Usually, the rehearsal immediately following a performance is lower on numbers as we regroup and recharge our batteries. But not this time! It was a great turn out, complete with pantomime cow and a newbie - welcome Kate, you don’t know what you’ve let yourself in for. However, she has now committed to joining as, having ground our way through ‘ROL’, she proclaimed it was her all time favourite. Sadly for you, Kate, we don’t sing it every week.

Anyway, thoroughly dried out (well outside at least, possibly not inside), revived after our monumental setting up/performing/tidying away exertions and raring to rev up for the village show, we launched into ‘Gospel Medley’ and, surprise surprise, even the altos got it right!

Unfortunately, it was a bit higgledy piggledy after that. SWMBO announced that we would start with ‘MBS’, even though the me mail had stated ‘AG’. Cue undiluted panic and confusion in the ranks, particularly the front row of the altos. Jen’s music tried to do a runner, Jan’s seemed to want to follow and before long the contagion had spread back through the whole of the alto section and even forwards to our venerable accompanist ‘Fingers’. I don’t think I have ever seen as much paper shuffling since last year’s ‘National Conference of Cardicians and Prestidigitators’!

A brief interlude allowed Fiona to present a cheque for £1236, to Marie Curie volunteer Val Dolan - this is a fantastic amount considering how awful the weather was!

What then followed was a breathless run through of a whole gamut of songs in our repertoire - some more successfully than others it must be said. We also managed to ‘learn’ the rest of ‘Everything’ and amaze Kate with our stupendous choreography as we waltzed through ‘Proud Mary’. How talented are we???? We have also been informed by a higher authority that we will be singing the aforementioned’PM’ and ‘Seal Lullaby’ every week until the October concert. Oh joy! No wonder we need a stiff drink after that bombshell! In harmony Haz

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