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We CAN Do Choreography....can't we?!

Another packed house spent an interesting warm up learning some choreography! Shock!Horror! Not quite up to Susie’s standard, but it did seem to prove a little bit too much for Fiona and Louise who well and truly went ‘Pop!’, unfortunately, not in time with anyone else. Quand même, we still managed to scoff our mince pies and Christmas pud and gallop merrily through to the end in some semblance of order, but not necessarily strictly in time.

A brief non -Christmassy diversion followed with a run through of FOG which is sounding better by the week.

From then on it was Santa all the way, complete with reindeer, donkeys, bells and anything else you can think of. Apparently, Angel’s Carol would benefit somewhat if we didn’t have our noses in the music all of the time and made the effort to look up once in a while. Now, I don’t know about you, but I have to concentrate so hard on my ‘Glooooorrrrriiiiiaaaa’s’ that I don’t have time for much else, but will try harder next week.

Bells rang out next, but not quite in perfect unison. However, a few run throughs seemed to sort out the confusion - I think, perhaps, maybe….?

Never mind, apparently All Over The Hills is going to be ‘The One’, according to a certain Choir Mistress who shall remain nameless. One what is anybody’s guess. Suggestions on a postcard please.

However, the evening went from good to glorious when Sweet Chiming Bells elicited our first ‘you sound like a proper choir’ of the evening. Shame it was the only one.

But then, wait for it. The coup de grace. Remember you heard it here first. The apocalyptic pronouncement that Santa Claus is ‘coming out’! I have no idea where Fiona gets her information from, but she is definitely ahead of the curve. We do indeed live in enlightened times.

Somehow, rattling through the printed carol sheets seemed tame in comparison after this thunderbolt, but rattle we did and not without a little panache here and there.

Which only left time for a quick blast of SSS to round off another excellent rehearsal. Whereupon, a goodly crowd felt the need for a little soothing of the tonsils, where mine host, Ced, once again provided for our every need.

I probably need to rehearse a little more before our first engagement at the weekend.

So, altogether now - ‘when Santa came out of the closet……..’

In harmony


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