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We would love for you all to join us......

I did detect quite a murmur of excitement as we gathered together for our last (eek!) rehearsal before the big day. The disco tunes were pumping and some members even threw a few moves just to get in the mood. It may have been excitement of course or maybe nervous energy or simple panic. Who knows?

Although we were a few sopranos short of a choir this week, they did sound fantastic, particularly during our stirring (if somewhat crackly) rendition of ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, so they thoroughly deserve the title of ‘teacher’s pets’ this week.

Our 1: 121 warm up was as disastrous as usual, with Fiona proving once again that she doesn’t know how to count, let alone sing, count, clap and wave. A similar misfortune assailed ‘Gospel Medley’, which didn’t exactly go to plan either. Mind you, as Fiona so rightly pointed out, a bad dress rehearsal always results in a great show. Unfortunately, the rest of the evening was actually rather good, so I’m not at all sure what that means?

Despite the intervention of not one, but two musical arachnids, and undeterred by the news that the classic cars will all be turning up two days after the event (whoops!), we sailed serenely ‘Beyond the Sea’ and regaled our Monarch with a stunning ‘Anthem’ which even led, as Susie observed to ‘foot leakage’. That is to say nothing of the ‘Amazing Grace ‘ and the truly ‘Perfect’ and a life full of rhythm.

So that’s it then – no more final polishing, no more last minute cramming, just a performance to remember. How lucky are the people of Hutton Cranswick and beyond to have such a facility right on their doorstep?

Don’t forget, ready to be on stage at around 17.45, with kick of at 18.00.

The second set might be curtailed a little to accommodate the community singing, so Fiona will decide at the appropriate time. Wonder which songs will be cut? Answers on a postcard please…

Well done everyone, we have all worked really hard. The only thing left now is to really enjoy ourselves and have a cracking time.

In harmony


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